Wellness Journal Archive

ART Corporate Care Programs

ART is utilized in several capacities by everyday individuals, athletes, employers and sports teams: Different ART levels include: Wellness-Preventative Level ART First-Aid level programs Sports-Performance Care Level ART Injury Level...

About ART Corporate Solutions

A SHORT HISTORY: Over the years ART was primarily delivered through individual private practices and word spread from patient to patient and athlete to athlete. Then as repetitive stress conditions became more prevalent, ART became utilized for such care as well. As...

What is Active Release Techniques (ART)

ART is a patented, state of the art soft tissue system/movement based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. Common conditions successfully treated at InMotion Health & Wellness with Active Release Technique....

Do you suffer from shoulder pain?

Do you feel like your shoulder hurts when you are reaching to hang your clothes, vacuuming, or reaching for a glass of water? These are common complaints that I see in our office with soft tissue shoulder injuries. Active Release Technique uses Complex Protocols to...