Appointments(480) 719-3749Click for ourOffice HoursWhere to findThe OfficeContact the InMotion TeamSend us a message or schedule an appointmentRequest your appointment by calling (480) 719-3749 or complete the form below.Name* First Last Email* Phone Number*What would you like to do?*Select from the following...Send a comment or questionSchedule an appointmentComment or QuestionPlease Note: All schedule requests must be submitted a minimum of 72 hours of requested date & time. Once we receive your request, we will contact you to confirm your appointment. Thank you!What would you like to schedule? Massage Stretch Active Release Techniques (ART) Cold Laser Treatment NormaTec Session OtherPlease describe your requestRequest Appointment Date Requested Appointment Time (Mon-Fri 8:00 am - 6:00 pm) : HH MM AMPM EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Δ InMotion Health & Wellness is located at4425 E. Agave Rd. Building 9, Suite 150 Phoenix, AZ 85044Phone: (480) 719-3749 | Fax: (480) 269-9405After-Hours Cell: (480) 432-5799 (Text Message)We are just North of Ray Rd. on 44th Street in AhwatukeeOffice HoursBy Appointment Only