Plantar fasciitis or plantar fasciosis is one of the most common injuries seen at InMotion Health and Wellness. Simply stated this condition is pain along the bottom of the foot due to inflammation or overuse of the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia originates on the heel bone and attaches to the metatarsals. It’s primary function is to support the arch of the foot, and is primarily stressed during weight bearing or high impact activities like running, walking, jumping, basketball, volleyball, hockey and more. Typically patients with plantar fasciitis present to our clinic frustrated as a result of being treated for this condition for months and even years without any relief. Many of the treatments received outside our clinic include: orthotics, splints, injections, surgery, pain medications, ointments, acupuncture and cryotherapy. We tend to be the last resource for patients that are unsure about what to do next about this very painful condition.
At InMotion our approach is different. Instead of focusing all of our attention on the Plantar Fascia (the main problem), we switch our focus to the muscles and ligaments that surround the plantar fascia (the supporting cast). Treatment includes instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation, Active Release Therapy, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, cold laser, manual therapy, and the Normatec Recovery Boots. We also examine the calcaneus (heel bone) to analyze weather or not it is sitting in a position that may be placing stress on the plantar fascia. If the calcaneus is out of alignment with the talus, tibia and other surrounding structures a gentle chiropractic manipulative adjustment is applied. The ankles, knees and hips may also be contributing to the problem and we therefore check the entire frame and correct any noticeable biomechanical issues. Correct toes are also recommended to correct the splay and biomechanics of the foot. Correct toes have been shown to be useful for not only plantar fasciitis but for successfully treating and relieving pain due to bunions, neuromas, metatarsalgia, ingrown toe nails, osteoarthritis as well as knee and hip pain.
Treatment in our office for this condition is usually lasts anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 hour on your first visit, and about 30 minutes on subsequent visits following your initial exam. For more information about this condition or to schedule a free consultation please call our office at (480) 719-3749.